Saturday, April 23, 2011

Invited to speak on owning and driving an All Electric Nissan Leaf

So far the most mileage that I have be able to get on my Leaf on a charge has been 87 miles.  With this last charge, right now I am projected to do a hundred mile on my present charge.  I don’t know why this is happening this way, but this is what has happened. 

I was invited to participate in an earth day celebration at Vanderbilt University.  They wanted me to bring my Leaf for show and tell on Thursday.   On Wednesday night I was trying to decide if I wanted to plug in my car or not.  I had a projected 40 mile left.  Vanderbilt is 13 miles from my home, or a round trip of 26 miles.  So the projected 40 miles would easily cover the 26 mile round trip.  However the weather was going to be much cooler than normal.  So I decided to plug in my car just in case I need to use more energy for heating.  I have been trying to completely drain my battery before each charge.

So on Thursday morning when I unplugged, the car said that my projected range, was 123 miles. That is the most that I have ever recorded.  The last highest projected first time  range reading  was 119 miles.  I have been driving very carefully, and like I said right now I am projected to do a hundred miles on this charge.  We see how it turns out.

This morning I am invited to Deloite for show and tell with their employees.  Deloite is only 6 miles from here. 

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